Tuesday, December 30, 2014

IMAM Exchange Swatches | Part 3

Hey everyone! I hope your Christmas was great! That brands I have swatched for you today is Notoriously Morbid and Fyrinnae. I love all these colors and some of them are even becoming part of my daily routine. I have never tried Fyrinnae before this and I have to say I'm in love! Every color I got from Fyrinnae, I love and I can't...
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Friday, December 19, 2014

FOTD | A Neutral Look

Hey guys! So yesterday I had a bit more time before work to get ready so I thought i'd add in a few new products to my routine. It's still a really neutral look but I changed and added a few new things. I hope you guys like it as much as I did. Also, sorry for the lighting of the pictures. It was really ugly out but I wanted to show you guys so...
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Monday, December 1, 2014

FOTD | Green Halo Eye

So usually for work I wear pretty natural makeup but yesterday I thought i'd go a little bit bolder. I seriously love doing halo eyes. I feel like there's so many different color combinations you could do and you can either go bold, like I did here, or go natural. I wasn't really sure what colors I wanted to do but I decided green to try something...
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