Tuesday, October 14, 2014

FOTD featuring Chopin and Drama Queen

To start, I would like to say that I am no makeup artist. I would say my makeup skills are about average. When I first tried out this look I was surprised at how good it turned out. Not to boast but this is probably the best makeup look I've ever done. Now let's just hope I can recreate it again. *crosses fingers* This picture...
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Friday, October 10, 2014

Nail Art | Gradient Nails

For a long time I've been wanting to try doing gradient nails but honestly I've been a little afraid to. I know the technique seems easy but I was afraid of messing up. Well, a couple days ago I decided to finally give it a try. Okay, okay! Don't make fun of my clean up job. I couldn't find the brush I usually use to clean it...
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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Hello Waffle Swatches

My love for indie makeup started a couple months ago when I discovered the subreddit indiiemakeupandmore. The two main reasons why I love indie makeup is because the colors are so beautiful and unique and because the customer service is (most of the time) amazing. If something goes wrong with your order, the owners are more than happy to fix it for...
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Nail Art | Watercolor Nails

A couple days ago on the Reddit subreddit Random Acts of Makeup a user posted about a nail art contest that they have every week. This week the challenge was to do watercolor nails. So here is my attempt at it. My left hand - Sally Hansen | Plums the Word My right hand - Orchid | Violet Vixen Left hand Right...
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